Cirque du Soleil weaves an aquatic tapestry of artistry, surrealism and theatrical romance in the timeless production, "O". Inspired by the concept of infinity and the elegance of water's pure form, "O" pays tribute to the beauty of the theatre - from the simplest street performance to the most lavish of operas - where anything is possible and where the drama of life plays itself out before our very eyes. World-class acrobats, synchronized swimmers, divers and characters perform in, on, and above water to create a breathtaking experience. Only at Bellagio, Las Vegas.

GuifĂ  is a young Sicilian boy, whose curiosity and quest for adventure transports him to a magical realm where all of his hopes, fears and dreams come true. He is a willing prisoner in this kaleidoscopic domain-the witness who is everywhere and every man.

Duo Trapeze. Two aerialists perform their dance in the air, sharing a single trapeze designed to coexist with the water and machinery of the "O" Theatre. This visually stunning mirror image reflects the special bond shared by the twins performing the act. Their maneuvers and feet-to-feet catches emulate the beauty of harmony and complete trust.

Barge. With strength and fearlessness, this team of talented acrobats performs atop a floating raft in the Barge act. The core group is comprised of eight female world-champion sports acrobats. Their act combines innovative gymnastic performances with the traditional circus act of banquine and the balletic adagio. Showcasing these skills in a water environment completes this high-energy act, which also includes synchronized swimmers and Olympic divers.

Bateau. Charting the course of life and the pursuit of dreams, this steel-frame ship floating above the water provides the setting for this unique display of acrobatic timing and strength. The origin of the Bateau (French for "boat") is the traditional circus discipline of the aerial cradle, combined here with the parallel bars for the very first time. This dynamic presentation brings the delicate balance of air and water to life. The team of 11 performers, including four women, is made up of flyers and catchers.

Russian Swing. Pleasure, envy, passion and temptation are everywhere during the honeymoon celebration. Drawing its inspiration from the many wedding chapels of Las Vegas, the church bell atop the largest swing beckons all to join the party… of life, love and death. The cast includes expert divers using three sets of Russian swings. The swinging movement creates a different trajectory of flight, presenting a unique challenge even for the most seasoned diver. Moving from ground level to the highest point at 32 feet creates a momentary weightlessness at zero gravity, followed by tremendous acceleration down to the water.

The Zebra in heat skips, waddles and seeks pleasure.

High Dive. A group of four world-class high divers leap from 60 feet above the ground into a small exposed section of the pool. The dive team is made up of cliff and exhibition divers.

Contortions. Hailing all the way from Mongolia, these four girls have been performing since the age of eight. Their graceful body language and lithe movements underline the balletic perfection of the female form. Their arrival from above and their aquatic surroundings add a new dimension to this long-held circus tradition.

Aerial hoops. This act fuses dizzying aerial choreography with powerful gymnastic routines. Water is incorporated as both an atmospheric and a choreographic element. This traditional circus act is reinvented with the addition of water and its relationship to the sky.

I snapped these photos from a book my colleague bought from the gift shop ;)

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