
I wake at one o'clock today. I am famished and make myself a bowl of instant noodle. Glad I manage to snooze for four hours after my nosh.

This is my first time to the wholesale mart. They sell daily-use products in bulk, for family use!

After inquiring the location of In N Out Burger, I go in the direction given.

Love the translucent blue sky!!

I love the cheese fries with "animal" dressing, which consists of fried onions on a creamy dressing.

It's 22 degree celcius today but it feels like 30 degree celcius! I can barely open my eyes! The heat from the glazing sun is unbearable!

Most shoppers lug big and bulky items back and I only bring two items back on my first visit.

In order to start my exercise regime, I have to get myself a pair of running shoe. Now, I am ready to go for run!

I hope my new year resolution, to keep fit, will materialize.

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